Barbados will expand assistance to Cuba, PM says

The Government of Barbados will be expanding the level of assistance and co-operation it currently gives to Cuba, Prime Minister Mia Mottley has announced.

At the Barbados Labour Party (BLP’s) 85th annual conference held at Christ Church Foundation School, Prime Minister Mia Mottley told party supporters that, in light of the ongoing trade challenges Cuba faces due to U.S. sanctions, Barbados will take on a greater role in offering assistance wherever possible.

“I want Barbadians today to reflect and ask who would have helped us if the 100 nurses and doctors did come in the height of COVID. I think we have a moral duty to find out what goods Cuba can supply us, and equally what we can put together every month in whatever little way we can in a bank account, to show the solidarity and gratitude of the Barbadian people to the people of Cuba.”

“The continued declaration of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism is an act against the people of Cuba, but also the people of the Caribbean civilization, and we will not stand idly by and do nothing. Whatever little we have, we shall ensure we share with you and your people as you have done with us and the people of Africa for the last 50/60 years.” (SB)

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