Landscaper ‘drinks ganja to relax’

Sentencing for landscaper Renaldo Alexander Tremaine Dublin was deferred when he appeared in a rural court last Wednesday.

Dublin, of No. 17 Lower Crescent, Gall Hill, Christ Church, admitted that on September 10 he was in possession of 2.15 kilogrammes of marijuana, he intended to supply it, cultivated it and it was a traffickable quantity. He was in the Oistins Magistrates’ Court before Magistrate Deidre McKenna.

Prosecutor Sergeant Reginald Blackman said police found the drug when they executed a search warrant at Dublin’s home. They discovered a number of marijuana plants in the backyard, ranging from two to six feet in height. Dublin admitted to lawmen they were his.

In court, when the magistrate questioned him about the drug, Dublin said he drinks it but does not “really smoke it”. He went on to explain that he got into an accident two years

ago and found since then that “marijuana helps me to relax”.

However, after reviewing his record, Magistrate McKenna said: “Your previous convictions go back to 2009. You weren’t in an accident then. I gave you a fine last time, so by breaking the law again, it says that the fines don’t matter.”

Dublin was told to return on September 23 for sentencing; he remains on $3 000 bail.


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