Vector Control Unit to tackle St Michael and Christ Church

Mosquito breeding sites in St Michael and Christ Church will be targeted by the Vector Control Unit this week.

The team will concentrate its efforts in St Michael for the first three days of the week. On Monday the Unit will visit Hindsbury Road, Tudor Bridge, Dr Kerr Land, Mottley Land, Prescod Bottom, Brathwaite Road, Progressive Road, Field Gap, Country Road, and Laundry Road.

The next day it will be the turn of 2nd Avenue Mannings Land, Peterkins Road, Bamboo Gap, Eagle Hall, Barbarees Hill, Monteith Gardens, Strathclyde, and surrounding areas.

On Wednesday the following districts will be sprayed: Mansion Road, Bank Hall Cross Road, Prince of Wales, Queen Mary Road, King George Road, King Edward Road, Queen Victoria Road, Buckingham Road, 2nd Avenue Sealy Land, Gilkes Road, Powder Road, and Happy Cot.

The Unit will then go into some Christ Church communities on Thursday. They are Fort George Heights, South Ridge, Upton Terrace, Kent Ridge, Little Kent, The Grove, St. David’s, Edey Village, and Staple Grove.

The fogging exercise for the week will conclude in St Michael, on Friday when the Unit goes into Station Hill, Powder Road, Savannah Road, 1st to 3rd Avenue Station Hill, Leinster Road, Waterford, Trainmore Lane, Longford Place,1st to 5th Avenue Park Road and the environs.

Fogging takes place from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. daily. Householders are reminded to open their windows and doors to allow the spray to enter. Children should not be allowed to play in the spray.

Members of the public are advised that the completion of scheduled fogging activities may be affected by events beyond the Unit’s control. In such circumstances, the Unit will return to communities affected in the soonest possible time. (PR)

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